Saturday, May 8, 2010

Looong Day Scouting

Today was a full 12+ hour scouting day for me.  My goal was to "nail down" as many of the Southern breeding land birds as possible today.  My scouting had me in five counties and I only quit at 6pm because the 40mph wind down here made further birding nearly impossible.  All in all it was a very successful day.  I found some of all the species I was looking for, but not nearly enough individuals yet.  I will work on that tomorrow.  For some reason I saw more Summer Tanagers today than I heard.  I took a pic of one of the males that refused to sing.  He needs to get tuned up soon so we can find him next Saturday.  Chats on the other hand were singing seemingly everywhere today.  I actually had one singing close enough and in view, so I took his photo (see pic).  In my experience, they usually sing from inside the tree about 5-10 feet from the top and are tough to even see let alone photograph.  One worry I'm having is lingering waterfowl.  They are gonna be tough this year since all this hot weather sent them North.  Tomorrow is another long day for me so I'm off for beer and some rest.


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