Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Success in the North!

So, Paul (Topless birder) & Zach (Zach Attack) have been helping teams again in North. They have nailed down most of what is needed up here.

I have been on nest patrol which is nearly impossible with the massive leaf-out now, and every tree is in full leaf. I've have had some success with finding a few yet to be identified nests but Zack Attack found the best nest yet! A Broadwing nest that is deep in the woods near Ocquitonk.

I have been managing to keep up with Paul's pace most days but today, I really needed to sleep in until 8:00AM. How strange to say "sleep in" and mean the time I normally get up!

We have been thrilled with the breeders and migrants up in the Sussex county. Cerulean warblers are dripping from the trees in the Gap, the Walpack, Stokes and Highpoint. I've gotten incredible views of Chestnut-sided and Black-throated Blues. I am in heaven with all the songs I have managed to recall with no prompting from Paul! Magnolia, Blue-winged Warblers, and Blue-headed Vireos are cooperating more than ever and a few have posed for photos - little show-offs!

I forgot how close I could get to Veery, and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker! I have been taking photos like mad, and hopefully I've gotten some decent shots.

Something that I'm disappointed about is how few raptors are visible. The later date this year must be the reason. But to make up for that Turkeys will appear out of nowhere suddenly, and make me laugh out loud!

- Anita

1 comment:

  1. Is that nesting material in the Blue-headed Vireo's mouth?? Awesome! Sounds like you are having a blast...I look forward to reading all the updates!

